
Goodenough Children's Library is opened.....

We will discuss about the appropriate time for regular opening of library in next parents club meeting. Before that, you can get the library key from the reception any time you want. However, for maintaining the library, we do hope that anyone who use the library can follow a few simple "rules" below:

1. Opening time : Every Saturday morning (10:30AM-12:00PM).
2. Story time : Every Saturday (exact time to be announced).
3. Book of the month : Every month, a particular book will be introduced with quizzes about the book. Children can write the answers and put them into the box which is in front of the Children Library's door. The following month, we'll provide the answers and make a draw .The winner child will get a certificate and a prize.
4. Classification : Books are categorised in eight different colours (yellow, red, orange, green, blue, silver, golden and white) according to different age groups to make it easier to find the books you are interested in.

5. Returned books : Please put returned books in the coloured boxes on the floor.
6. Please keep Library tidy and clean when you leave. (Shoes off and no food in the library, please )
7. Sign in/out in the reception when you borrow/return the key of library.

Any questions or recommendations, please contact Joyce (ext. 5727)

E-mail: joyce1974@gmail.

As the winter is getting closer, we will arrange a story-telling time every weekend. It is really difficult to choose a particular time in the weekend which is convenient for all the parents/children here. For the greatest benefit of our children, we still need to decide when to put it to suit most of the people. Can we have your opinion which time, i.e., Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon, you favor. We would be very grateful to have your reply.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sat. afternoon is good!!